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Joint typologies as effectors of spatial change
within a structural typology


This project has started as an experiment on testing the possibilities of smooth transition from a developable ruled to a nondevelopable ruled surface. Tests were done on paper models, which allowed for a greater f lexibility, but also introduced many material-specific qualities in the model. 

The paper model was made as a singlestriated surface that allowed for the forming and manipulation of linear elements.

The linear elements were used as abasis of a different material system, which was designed to emulate papermodel, but ended up having completely different properties. (continue after images)


Frankfurt. Staedelschule Architecture Class. 2012
Second semester project
Tutors:  prof. Johan Bettum


Two operations were tested, the twist and a fourth degree blend operation.The vertical to horizontal twist was selected for further testing.Three conditions of a twist operation were tested :A. the inward twist at two ends (90degree), B. twist at one end (180 degree), and C. the outward twist at two ends (-90 degree).Initial testing was done on the (C).

In order to accentuate the structural possibilities of this material system, the inward twist was selected for further testing. It produced an intertwining ,or entanglement of linear elements. This produced a condition where the elements in the physical model are being held together by forces of friction, a structural effect resulting from the material properties.

The tension inside the bend was almost impossible to predict or control so the new structural system was needed.

The friction was translated into astring of joints (articulating curve) that holds elements together. The single most important result of this translation process was the realization that joints themselves are a generative mechanism, and that they can be used as means of primary control of spatial qualities.

These new, articulating curves created by strings of joints could then be tested for their various affordances, in terms of producing the geometry.The three principal parameters withinthe system are

:1. Articulating Curve (a),

2. Joint Inclination angle(<),

3. Ruling Curve (r).

Within the spatial metaphor, the (a)curve operates within the paradigm ofstriated space, and the (r) curve withinthe paradigm of smooth space. Theangle of joint inclination serves as a effectorof spatial (geometrical, but alsostructural) change.


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